How to recover RAID while not paying anything
If you had a NAS fail on you, try to connect the member disks to a PC running Linux.
Sometimes, Linux can find the array configuration data and mount the RAID.
Use ReclaiMe Free RAID Recovery and write array to a single disk
(the procedure called destriping).
However, this option requires a large amount of free space (the same as the original array capacity)
which makes destriping a very expensive option for large arrays.
In some cases a NAS vendor can perform a remote recovery as part of the warranty.
QNAP is especially known to do this.
Anyway, it is worth to contact the technical support of your NAS vendor and see what they can offer.
If you have got an identical NAS with the same firmware version you can try to put the disks from the failed array into that identical NAS unit.
If you are going to choose this option don't forget to backup data from the healthy NAS first.
Otherwise, you can end up with two sets of disks for RAID recovery.
If you have a mirror array (RAID1) then you are lucky because you don't need a RAID recovery at all.
You should just connect a member disk to a working computer.
Sometimes two attempts may be required because it may be difficult to determine the failed member disk.
Depending on the filesystem which was used in the array you may need a Linux installation to read the data off the disk.
If Linux has failed to read the array data then make sure that particular installation of Linux supports the filesystem used in your NAS
(for example, Iomega uses XFS in the NAS devices).
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